The Village Velodrome Appreciation Society

A blog about jitensha and jogging

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Kyoto fixies

Kyoto is a bit of a fixed-gear desert. Home to the famous Gan Well Pro brand, I thought the city would be heaving with bikes, but Kyoto's about a decade behind the times - an "alternative" bike is a cruiser or a Bike Friday.

I saw one fixed go flying by - pink with Zipp 404s. Maybe a proper track rider. I saw a gaijin on a blue fixed - but he was going the other way.

Then I finally found this one. It's a Makino - unbadged and no markings though. The saddle is great - an old San Marco - a Supercorsa I think.

Then there's this brand - Natural Bikes. Simple singlespeeds. Not bad...

Lastly, a bit of a rarity, a Vigore road frame...

Out of desperation I even started taking photos of bike signs:


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